Reading the Room
Love, War and Yuanfen: Karissa Chen's stunning debut
"Homeseeking" is a heartbreaking tale exploring the choices that shape two lovers bound by fate, separated by circumstance.
Reading the Room
"Homeseeking" is a heartbreaking tale exploring the choices that shape two lovers bound by fate, separated by circumstance.
Reading the Room
The first thing readers will want to do after finishing Peng Shepherd’s ‘All This and More’ is flip it over and start again.
Reading the Room
Kuang calls “How to End a Love Story” a “contemporary romance that felt like a historical romance novel.”
Kiley Reid’s sophomore novel “Come and Get It” brings readers to contemplate money, early adulthood and relationships.
Set in 2007 Shanghai and 1985 Qingdao, “River East, River West” alternates between a mother’s and daughter’s perspectives, highlighting the massive cultural shifts in China both after the cultural revolution and the late aughts.
Reading the Room
“The Night Parade” is part ghost story, part myth anthology, part memoir but full of heart.
Jen Soriano is a Fillipinx writer and movement builder whose debut collection of essays “Nervous” is out now.
R.F. Kuang’s “Yellowface” explores who has the right to tell stories and provides an unflinching look at the publishing industry, social media and stories about suffering.